Inside: You found out you’re pregnant! Now you’re wondering how to announce the pregnancy to your husband. Instead of just calmly stating the happy news to your hubby, try one of these surprise pregnancy announcement to husband ideas for a reaction you’ll cherish for years to come. Bonus points if you get it on camera.
You’ve taken the pregnancy test, and it’s positive. YAY!
Now you need to figure out how to tell your husband the happy news. If you’ve landed on this page, you probably want a creative way to announce your pregnancy.
You aren’t a woman who’s satisfied with just randomly blurting out the news any old morning.
We’ve got you covered! Here are 15 fun ways to do a pregnancy reveal to your husband and surprise him with the big pregnancy news.
Related: 20 Items for Your Early Pregnancy To-Do List

15 Surprise Pregnancy Announcement to Husband Ideas
Whether you keep it simple, get creative or buy something special: I know he’s going to be thrilled.
Here are some ideas for you:
1. Put something the size of the baby (like a poppy seed, Skittle, etc) in his hand.
Give him a poppy seed, lemon seed, Skittle, etc and tell him, “This is the size of our baby right now.” Bonus points if you capture his reaction on camera!
This is actually how we announced to my in-laws for our first pregnancy.
2. Buy a custom onesie.
Buy a onesie (or have one on hand if you’re actively trying to conceive) that will tell him the big news. Wrap it up, and casually give it to him with a, “Hey, I got you something the other day.”
Here are a few cute onesies that will be meaningful for your guy:
- “Micro Brew” onesie (for the beer guru)
- “My Siblings Have Paws” onesie (for the dog lover)
- “Game Changer” onesie (for the gamer)
- “Shhh… I’m watching the game with daddy” onesie (for the sports guy)
3. Give him a pregnancy test in a gift box/basket.
This idea is perfect for announcing on Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Father’s Day or on his birthday.
Tell him that you have a present for him to open.
- Fill a shoebox with the positive pregnancy test, a dad t-shirt, a #1 dad mug, and some treats that he likes.
- Put baby shoes and the positive pregnancy test in a show box.
- Tape a poppy seed on the inside of a jewelry box with the pregnancy test and a tiny message.
- Fill a gift bag with newborn essentials (pacifier, bottle, etc), a onesie, and the pregnancy test.
One of my friends put the positive pregnancy test in a video game case that she had replaced the cover of to announce the news. What a fun idea!
4. Make a homemade card.
Make him a card with a poem, riddle, or simply an “I’m Pregnant!” written on it.
Of course, you can also tape the positive pregnancy test inside if you like.
Here are some fun phrases to put inside the card:
- “You make me nauseous. Or is it the baby I’m carrying? Either way, I wanna barf and it’s your fault.” (see original)
- “My boobs are about to get even more amazing.” (see it on Etsy)
- “Hi daddy! I can’t wait to meet you. Expected to arrive: XX/XX/XXXX” (see it on Pinterest)
5. Tell him through a game.
I loved thinking of ideas like this to announce to my husband for the second time around. Think of how you can put a spin on a game that your family likes to play.
Here are a few ideas to get those brainstorming juices flowing…
- Spell out the news in a game of Bananagrams.
- DIY Heads Up (like I did – keep scrolling down, video included)
- Make up your own phrase in a game of Speak Out or MadGab.
- Blurt it out in a game of Scattegories. (“What did you all get for things that are round?” “Me in 9 months!”) I just made this up and now I totally want to use this idea.
6. Give him a “dad gift.”
He will love getting to use his new dad gear while eagerly awaiting the baby’s arrival.
Here are a few ideas that could be cute:
7. Have your other kids tell him.
Already have kids? Let your children tell your husband that you’re pregnant.
- Your older child could wear a shirt that gives away the big news.
- The kids could make a card for dad that a new baby is coming.
- Your kids could make a video for dad to watch.
8. Leave the pregnancy test somewhere for him to find.
This one is simple but still fun. But, a major disclaimer.
I’ve heard from friends that their husbands didn’t notice the pregnancy test and ended up having to help their guy find the test to reveal the pregnancy.
Make sure that you leave it somewhere very obvious. Try on top of the coffee pot or by his phone on his nightstand.
Oh, and DEFINITELY sanitize it thoroughly first….
9. Let your dog announce the pregnancy.
Are y’all dog people? Put one of these cute bandanas on your pup to tell your husband that you’re pregnant.
10. Give him food or a treat.
Buy some of his favorite sweet treats (or jerky – men love jerky), a pizza, cupcakes, donuts, or whatever else you can think of.
Write on the package, “mom can’t be the only one getting a big belly.”
Pinterest has some cute ideas for this pregnancy reveal:
11. Put up an “eviction notice”.
Cross off the door to his man cave and write a sign like this Caution! Under Construction Sign pregnancy announcement.
12. Tell him with a pregnancy T-shirt.
Announce to your husband by wearing a pregnancy reveal shirt.
- “Mama in the Making” T-shirt
- Shirt for Dog Lovers: “We’re getting our fur babies a pet human.”
- “Always read the fine print. *I’m pregnant” Shirt
- If it’s not your first pregnancy: “Oops, we did it again” Shirt
13. Baby Food Facebook Challenge Announcement
Tell your husband that you saw this hilarious challenge on Facebook and you want to try it with him.
Blindfold him and feed him different flavors of baby food. Tell him to guess what flavors he is trying.
Then, ask him if in 9 months would he feed it to your baby. Record the whole thing if you can! It’s priceless.
14. DIY “Bottom of the Bowl” Announcement
While you’re still trying to conceive, go to a paint your own pottery place and write your future announcement on the bottom of the bowl.
When the time comes, give him ice cream (or whatever else) in the bowl you made.
15. The Jack o’ Lantern Announcement
Challenge your husband to a “Who Can Carve the Best Jack o’ Lantern” competition.
Hide your pumpkin from him while you carve. Then, reveal your pregnancy announcement pumpkin.
16. Just Tell Him Already!
Ok, I know I said you don’t want to tell him, but really, there’s no shame in being so excited to tell your man that you just tell him flat-out.
For so many, finding out you’re pregnant is such an overwhelmingly exciting thing that there isn’t any time for creativity or being cute with your announcement. Just tell him!
I mean, if you can catch him mid-drink…. Just kidding.
Related: How to Make a Sensitive Pregnancy Announcement to an Infertile Friend (do’s and don’t’s)

How I Announced Pregnancy to My Husband
This is how I told my husband about our two pregnancies…
With My First Pregnancy, I Couldn’t Hold in the News
We had been trying to conceive for nearly two years.
I had suspicions that I was possibly pregnant (but had low expectations because I had gone through the two-week-wait ending in a negative test way too many times to be hopeful) so I took a test.
I looked and it was positive.
There was nothing in me that could wait for a second longer to tell my husband.
I ran into the bedroom absolutely balling my eyes out, woke him up, and shoved the pregnancy test in his face.
With My Second Pregnancy, I Surprised My Husband (see video in pin)
My husband had told me that “it would be cool if he found out I was pregnant at the same time as the rest of the family.” So, that’s exactly what I did.
We were celebrating my daughter’s first birthday as a family. I DIY’ed a game of charades/Heads Up. The cards were all related to the first year of a baby’s life.
But, one card said, “Kenzie is pregnant!” on it. (see the video above!)
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Future Pregnancy Announcement (for Husband) Plans
I have no idea how I’ll announce when the time comes.
In hindsight, it was not as fun as my husband thought to be told for the first time in front of everyone.
Honestly, it will probably be another bawl-my-eyes-out and shove a test in his face kind of pregnancy announcement because it will be a much-anticipated pregnancy after pregnancy loss.
Read Next: 9 Tips for Surviving the First Trimester
How are you planning to surprise your husband with your pregnancy announcement? Share in the comments! We’d love more ideas.

Kenzie lives with her husband and daughter in beautiful Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She’s wrestled with infertility, survived a miscarriage, and is overjoyed to finally be a mama to her sweet baby girl she thought she’d never have. She especially loves helping moms who have had miscarriages find hope after loss.